Welcome to the project site for "Accelerating embedded computational analysis of Web data about music in UK universities", an AHRC-funded research project (AH/X007316/1) led by researchers at Durham University and University of Birmingham.
Web data is especially useful for the cultural study of music as the internet plays host to novel and complex cultural and social forms, like music streaming, ripping and sharing, and online co-production of music. However, specialised digital skills are required to retrieve, process, and analyse this data, especially at the scales that are required to deal with the increasing volumes of information available to researchers online. The project will pilot a new digital skills training programme for music researchers, which will train approximately 60 UK-based researchers at a variety of digital skill levels and representing various career stages in topics relevant to using Web data as a primary source. The training offered will be of direct relevance to music researchers, as all workshop leaders themselves are music researchers, and they will be invited to illustrate how digital skills training has allowed them to answer exciting, transformative research questions.
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